![LOG‘ONIY NAZM-U NAVOS](http://marifat.uz/storage/posts/172924705532413192-66030670162214.jpg)
In the seventies of the last century, a number of ghazals on various topics began to appear on the pages of the newspaper "Glorious Labor" under the pseudonym Logan. Created in the spirit of boundless love for the Motherland, duty and responsibility to the country, devotion to the land, the author of these works was Yursunbek Arslonbekov, a dear child of the village called Logan, located in the eastern part of the city of Fergana. For more than thirty years in the former 30th (now 47th) and 49th schools of the village, this man devoted his entire life to public service, education and upbringing of the younger generation. Yursunbek Logani was born in 1920 on Mirbobo Street in the village of Logan in the family of his uncle Arslonbek and Mokanjon Aya. The family had an eldest child, two sisters and a brother. At a young age, life underwent various trials, first a premature separation from his father, and a little later from his mother, many years of hard work crushed his will. As an example, let's say this: "My childhood lasted until 1931. From 1931 to 1937, I worked on a collective farm, both at school and after school," it is not difficult to learn from the words quoted in his biography.
Nevertheless, Yursunbek did not lose interest in the generosity of science. After graduating from high school, in 1937 he entered the Tajik Pedagogical Educational Institution, founded in Samarkand. In 1941 he graduated from the university and received a diploma of a primary school teacher. In 1949, he entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the current Fergana State University, and in 1952 he was allowed to teach physics and mathematics to students from the first to the seventh grades. From 1957 to 1960, he entered this school and completed a full course of mathematics. At the same time, he retains the status of a full-fledged teacher of mathematics in high school. Throughout his career, he left behind many students.
Along with teaching, the teacher connects his life with poetry. He was well known to the creators under his nickname Logani. Nazm captured Tory and created a series of poems. A special spirit and mood dominate in creativity. His poems were published several times in district bulletins. But if we say that this is a drop from the ocean, we will be mistaken. Because the original samples of creativity that have become monuments to him have not yet reached their fans. On this path, of course, good work has begun. Almost 60 years later, we bring to your attention examples of creativity that have been exalted by the hand of the heart, because everything has its time. Please enjoy.
Yursunbek Arslonbekov LOG'ONIY
Ayladi olamni gulzor, husning seni,
Aylab, chehrasin chamanzor, husning seni,
Etdi ko‘rgach, meni dildor, husning seni,
Aylagach jamoliga zor, husning seni.
Ko‘rgan hamono, bo‘ldim-u senga asir,
Aqlim rishtasi, husningga bo‘lib zanjir,
Bo‘ldim-u har dam, ko‘rishga zor, muntazir,
Meni ayladi intizor husning seni.
Vujuding xushbo‘yi, anbarsaro,
Ayladi olamni hidi, chaman aro,
Hidlasam, jonima bo‘ldi huzur paydo,
Bo‘lib halovatga qaror, husning seni.
Salomatlik sayqali bo‘ldi jamoling,
Mos bo‘lib murod jumlasiga kamoling,
Lol ayladi-yu har dam meni, xushholing,
Aylagach ishqimni bedor, husning seni.
Ko‘rmadim yuzingda nuqson, bo‘lgach safo,
Bo‘ldi mangu ishq aro boshima savdo,
Bo‘libman husning chamaniga zor, gado,
Bo‘lib dardima tanakor, husning seni.
Husn ichra tuzingdan o‘rgulay,
Har dam kunduzingdan o‘rgulay,
Dilbar dilso‘zingdan o‘rgulay,
Bol talaffuzingdan o‘rgulay.
Etib o‘zingni, guldin ra’no,
Qomatingni, misolsiz barno,
Seni ko‘rgach, dedim tasanno,
Yorug‘ yuzingdan o‘rgulay.
Aylading, ko‘rganda tabassum,
Shirin aylab, menga takallum,
Etarman ko‘rgali, tarannum,
Deb shirin so‘zingdan o‘rgulay.
Bo‘lib husning dardima davo,
Etarman har dam, ani davo,
Lutf aylab, etsang menga ravo,
Ul-dam, oq yuzingdan o‘rgulay.
Ko‘rsatib o‘z jilvangni javlon,
Kuydurib-u meni har zamon,
Etding o‘zingni, sarvi ravon,
Jilva-yu o‘zingdan o‘rgulay.
Ko‘zingni aylab menga shahlo,
Aylading ishqingga mubtalo,
Ishqima bo‘lding endi balo,
Ul shahlo ko‘zingdan o‘rgulay.
Aqlima makon istasam, seni derman,
Zavqimga omon istasam, seni derman,
Ko‘nglima zamon istasam, seni derman,
Dardima darmon istasam, seni derman.
Urib senda, tabassum jilvasi javlon,
Ayladi meni sarson bila sargardon,
Noz-u ishvang bo‘lib gulgun etdi hayron,
Jilvasi javlon istasam, seni derman.
Bo‘libdir nogohing, umr dardima najot,
Har dam harom bo‘lib sensiz menga hayot,
Bo‘lib-u o‘zing hayot qushima qanot,
Gar jism aro jon istasam, seni derman.
Murod gulshanimga, diyorimsam o‘zing,
Umr uzra jonima tal’at bo‘lib so‘zing,
Ayladi meni shaydo yorug‘ yulduzing,
Baxtima jahon istasam, seni derman.
Ishq otashing kundan kunga aylab ziyod,
Ishq otashing menga yetmay Majnun-u Farhod,
Kuyib hajringda ayladim ishqni bunyod,
Mehrima osmon istasam, seni derman.
Tinmay istarman har dam seni majnunvor,
Bo‘lib ishqim har zamon senga barqaror,
Bermagayman, sendin o‘zgaga e’tibor,
Qalbima vijdon istasam, seni derman.
Bir boqishda meni etdi shaydo, husning,
Ishq aro band aylabon doimo husning,
Aylar har dam zor, bedor ishq aro husning,
Aylab holimni nimjon, shavq aro husning.
Jamoling nuri bo‘lib jismima libos,
Majnun dardini ayladi menga meros,
Lutf-u karamingni tutib o‘zima xos,
Kutarman termulib, deb mumiyo husning.
Yod etib har dam seni, yo‘qdir menda hush,
Tiriklik lazzatin aylabon faromush,
Ayladi aql kosasin aql nuridin bo‘sh,
Devonavor aylab meni oro husning.
Bo‘lib gulgun yuzing, yurak dardima soz,
Istagay ko‘nglim har dam bo‘lgali damso‘z,
Qancha atasang men ila derman yana oz,
Qo‘ymay bir dam ham etgali judo husning.
Ko‘rinib jamoling jilvasi rang-barang,
Jilosi meni ayladi har dam garang,
Hech yurolmasman yo‘limni, hatto arang,
Ishqdin madorima bo‘lgach balo husning.
Farog‘at bodasin husning berib har dam,
Aylar kayf-safo dardima ani malham,
Hech ko‘rinmas ko‘ziga shavq aro olam,
Log‘oniy umrini etgach ado husning.
Ishq aro menga jononim o‘zing,
G‘unchayanglig‘ la’lxandonim o‘zing.
Bo‘libsan jismima jonim o‘zing,
Bo‘lib ko‘nglima davronim o‘zing.
Menga ko‘rsatib ul-dam
Etding ishqingni, menga dard-u g‘am.
Bo‘lib jamoling dardima malham,
Bo‘libsan dard-u darmonim o‘zing.
Aylab o‘zingni bebaho ra’no,
Meni shaydo etding har zamono,
Ayladim ko‘rganda tasanno,
Bo‘libsan orzu-armonim o‘zing.
Bo‘libman jamolingga dildoring,
Chin oshiq shaydo-yu bedoring,
Bo‘lib har dam ko‘rmakka xumoring,
Har zamon ahd-u pushaymonim o‘zing.
Bo‘libsan chaman ichra yagona,
O‘zingga aylab meni parvona,
Sayrima bo‘lib guldin zamona,
Sayr uzra bog‘-u bo‘stonim o‘zing.
Shavq aro kamoling berib farom,
Sensiz olmagay jon tanda orom,
Sensiz nafasim bo‘libon harom,
Bo‘lib jonima omonim o‘zing.
Abduhoshim MAXAMADOV,
Buxoro davlat pedagogika instituti talabasi
O‘smir farzandingizning ruhiy salomatligini qo‘llab-quvvatlash uchun to‘rt maslahat
Nogironligi bo‘lgan bolalar uchun kunduzgi parvarish tizimi joriy qilinadi
Barcha oliy o‘quv yurtlarida adabiyot o‘qitilishi kerak!
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