Our attitude towards the teacher must change in a positive way!
Our education system will not develop if we do not increase the salary, status, position of teachers several times more than they are now! A teacher should receive a higher salary than representatives of other segments of society, benefit from it! Only then does the parent begin to respect the teacher.
Naturally, thanks to the attention of parents and relatives to the teacher, the child's attitude to the teacher also changes. In turn, the teacher, inspired by caring for the people, the state, will be forced to work on himself, devote his time to the development of his students! Competition in teaching teams is developing. The demand for qualified personnel is growing! The quality in the system increases! The fact that in Russia the "pig" is a laughing stock like "sheep, donkey" is nothing more.
The fact that we do not despise the teacher, the intelligentsia, is the greatest and saddest tragedy! Unfortunately, we do not see salvation in education! We are looking for salvation in the economy, in raising our standard of living, in creating modern eye-to-eye buildings, in erecting various luxurious buildings, in organizing magnificent events! In fact, these efforts will not be fruitful if we do not raise the intelligentsia on the head of the teacher, which revitalizes every branch of the state, society, and the education system does not develop! When Indallosi says he's going to talk, there's a lot, a lot of talk!
Abdugofur Sherkhlov,
O‘smir farzandingizning ruhiy salomatligini qo‘llab-quvvatlash uchun to‘rt maslahat
Nogironligi bo‘lgan bolalar uchun kunduzgi parvarish tizimi joriy qilinadi
Barcha oliy o‘quv yurtlarida adabiyot o‘qitilishi kerak!
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